Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Analysis of Harford Paper Organization

Hartford also stresses the importance of location, stating that location can make a difference in a business's success, or the success of a product in an individual store. A location that is more convenient and isolated from comparable products that cost less will be frequented more often and thus, purchased from more often. The more price insensitive people will stop here, not searching the store for a cheaper option, just stopping for the conveniently placed item. Whenever I visit a grocery store, the prepared food items are always in the same place, right when you walk in. Although you may not have to walk through the food, you always at least walk by it, smelling the ready food, seeing the array of food that requires little to no effort to consume. On the other hand, the ingredients necessary to make a dish are located throughout the store, depending on the dish, requiring you to walk through the entire store in order to get necessary ingredients. More price sensitive people tend to overlook convenience when purchasing a product and try to always find the cheapest option.
In this paragraph I am using the strategy of repeating key words and phrases in order to keep the paragraph on topic. This paragraph is explaining how location has an influence on the success of a product. By repeating terms that have to do with location the paragraph seems cohesive.
Additionally, I used a few transitions in order to create cohesion. I used these transitions to indicate a relationship between location and purchasing levels, as well as two transitions to contrast different types of people and different food locations. This could be improved in the paragraph to create smoother sentence to sentence transitions and reduce the choppiness of the paragraph.
In this paragraph I also use the strategy of presenting advantages and disadvantages. I do this by presenting pros and cons of being price sensitive and insensitive. This paragraph is to describe the benefits of location and how it helps in order to sell products, so by presenting what each location offers it allows the readers to weigh the pros and cons of each option. By extent this also uses the problem/solution strategy by providing two options for different types of situations; one option if you are price sensitive and one if you are price insensitive. Additionally this allows for classification or division as well as compare/contrast. I am comparing and contrasting the two different types of locations. To improve this the pros and cons could be more clearly defined.

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